At your roots you will find true power...
[ Your ] Mystic's Guidance
I've brought Cedric in as a Strategist and wingman on many projects over the years. In fact, we work together on most of my projects at this point, and I wouldn't trust anyone else to do the work he does with me.
I've studied mysticism and metaphysics for nearly 20 years and it's clear to me that Cedric is a master of his skills.
Anyone serious about their spiritual path or their current work needs a keen second set of eyes to catch all of the pieces. Cedric will be that reliable support and additional pair of hands that makes it much easier.
Dr Matt K, Healer - Advisor - Founder
You've given me the tools that I've utilized to unlock the deepest purest and most powerful parts within my being. Helping me to more fully understand and embrace reality itself. Liberating the wild heart. You've shown me that I have the keys to unlock any door....any barrier.
Every step is on the path.
Choosing to work with you has been the single most important decision of my life to this point. You are truly meant for this work. You're a powerful guide with an enormous capacity to hold the unfolding and expansion occurring within the student.
Angela A, Energetic Healer - Astrologer
Something is clawing at you from the inside, begging to break free. Something that feels more real than the ground beneath your feet.
And you want it. Even more than that,
you need it.
Like oxygen and sunlight, you cannot stand another moment living a life that is not absolutely connected to your Path, and that path is rooted in the Esoteric.
But the world is filled to the absolute brim with talking heads, fake gurus, and hallow books that don't answer the questions you have.
You've seen endless pitches for mentors.
And yet, it all feels a little empty.
So you don't know where to start. You've read books, gone to classes, talked online to self proclaimed experts and masters. But nothing changes. Your progress is slow and the unique magick within you is not being met by the world.
You're lost in the winter woods and all of the trees look the same.
What do you do in a world that cannot show you the way?
Your magick is not only one of a kind but it is essential in the world. You have a gift to give... if only you could sort your way through the wild brambles of an unseen, metaphysical world.
It is no longer an option to follow someone else's rule book and track down the usual roads. You must find the tracks of your own Soul before you can truly move forward.
It is time for you to know your true Self. There are real tools and techniques waiting for you to take them up and master your reality.
I am not here to tell you what to do. I am here as Guide through the noise; to save you from the misdirection of helpful idiots. An end to the tedium of reading books that don't answer your questions and don't solve the challenges you face in your journey.
Our work together will unlock the potential of your magick. You will know your strengths and you will know where to focus your practice.
You will have a map for your exploration.
We will ground your work into the rock and stone foundations of the earth that you walk on to bring stability and reliability to your life.
I will help you navigate lineages and modalities, techniques and practices, methods and domains... to build your own unique form of connection to the mystical, the astral, and aether itself.
This is not cookie cutter spiritual practice, but we will use known tools.
This is not thoughtless-guru curriculum, but we will identify principles.
This is not me telling you how to do it my way, we will find yours.
If you're feeling the call of the unseen, it's time to begin.
Click the button below to start a conversation about how we can work together.
Kedrik / Cedric
I've been around.
At times it feels like eons. A long path that has left me with a childlike curiosity and a deep knowing in my bones that after 23 years studying and practicing Mysticism never dulls. My Path weaves amongst others, sometimes alongside the greatest allies and mentors alive and other times as a Guide for the next great ones to come, like yourself.
My modalities range from those of occult science to zen meditation, from Wicca to Druidic, from Quantum to Practical to Astral, and everything in between. I'm a master totemic goldsmith and an avid explorer of the wilderness, inside and out.
My unique magick has been refined over a lifetime of commitment to this Work, and part of that work is now to Guide brilliant people like you.
I will bring the full scope of my own mastery to bare on guiding you to truly master your own Mystical self.
Are you ready?