White Paper [Scroll] #03
This has been a long time coming. All of what I use for my manifestation in one place. Before we dig in, I want you to know that this is not your little sister’s manifestation. This is not fluffy floating happy thoughts. This is not the good bits taken out of context. This is also not only for the mystically inclined. We are all 'manifesting' at all times, in the most fundamental dictionary definition of the word.
If you are a CEO, Founder, Business executive, you are manifesting.
If you are a healer, energetic practitioner, or priestess, you are manifesting.
If you are a solopreneur, entrepreneur, or freelancer, you are manifesting.
And if you are an ordinary guy doing ordinary things, whatever that means to you, than you are in fact manifesting.
Every waking moment you make choices. Hell, you make choices in your sleep too, whether you ask mainstream science or esoteric masters they’ll agree on that. You are activating beliefs, expectations, and biases in your dreams as much as you do in the line at the coffee shop. You cannot escape the reality of choice. You can deny it and avoid it, but even that is a choice.
This brings us to our first point of discussion.
A dear friend of mine often says, 'Love is that which enables choice.'
He is so convinced of this from the empirical proofs of his immanent metaphysics to the embodied way in which he acts as true emissary to Nature in a world of careless humanity that he placed it on his business brand, built it into the logo, speaks on it at keynote events, and would sacrifice his own life to demonstrate how profoundly true it is. He has worked deeper in tech than most of the tech crowd, and further into mysticism than most modern mystics. He has been at the cutting edge of existential risk mitigation and the bleeding heart of community oriented civilization design theory.
Take that in for a second.
This man has been in every corner of humanity he can get his hands on. He has seen things that would break most people. He has worked on projects that could be twisted for great evil, or preserve goodness. He has created some of the most effective social techs we’ve ever had and his theories can explain the fundamental nature of any domain. This man knows humanity from the depths to the skies, inside and out...
And he declares with his whole being that LOVE is that which enables CHOICE.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a tech Founder or a hopeful ecovillage Empath, you can appreciate that, can’t you? And what I notice is that some people orient towards emphasis on CHOICE, while others orient towards emphasis on LOVE. And neither is wrong. We meet in the middle at the sunny glade and the town center where we Love what we do, We choose that love, and we create Choices for ourselves and others.
Even if that choice is 'to buy or not to buy?' your product or offering, you create opportunity for others to pick their way through the cosmos. You create invitation for the the rest of the inhabitants of this wild universe to Choose.
Why not create those invitation for yourself?
It is so often that we fall into the patterns of a westernized mind, bent on the hustle and convinced that it takes work, that everything actually does takes a lot of work. You must sweat and bleed for what you want, this is the way, pull yourself up by the boot straps. Fight for what you want.
Whether this has been your mantra or not, it’s true for you, because even in the choice to believe that toil and hardship is the path, you are manifesting your experience. If you expect it to be difficult it will be. If you expect it to take time, it will. If you expect it to be anything but in your own hands, choice enabled for your own self love, then it will be just out of reach. You tell the universe, ‘I must work hard for this’, and she replies lovingly, ‘As you wish.’
But this is not about the ordinary dictionary definition of Manifestation, is it?
We didn’t come here to discuss the nature of choice and causality, though some of that is in here. And again, if you believe that is the mechanism of all this stuff that you’re experiencing... then it is.
We are here to discuss Manifestation as the act of bringing your desires into reality through non-ordinary means. We are here to discuss the sort of Manifestation that defines us as the unique beings of creation that we are on a level that the mainstream world refuses to believe. We are here to discuss real Magick.
If your eyes have rolled uncontrollably because you are a ‘rational’ person with a ‘real’ job doing something gravely important, hold on. Before you drop out I dare you to read the rest. If not for the simple right to say, ‘I read it, it’s bullshit.’ Maybe for you it is, and that’s OK. But I suspect even if you decide true Manifestation is nonsense, I expect something in here will still be useful to you. Call it mindset mastery or personal discipline. I expect you’ll find some gems.
It’s also worth noting that the term ‘Manifestation’ has become so popularized that many practitioners choose to avoid it now. It has become associated with MLM schemes and viral products with no life such as 'The Secret'. It is a favorite term amongst the love and light conscious community whom I lovingly refer to as 'woo babes and flo bros'.
But at the end of the day, regardless of how many cult guru influencers have grabbed onto the term for a quick buck and some good SEO, it is still ultimately the best term. With respect, to avoid language that is clear, known, and effective because the charlatans have monetized it into oblivion is a matter of egotistical pride more than effective Magick, and quite frankly I’m not hipster enough to pick a new term simply because the right one has become popular.
The accepted dictionary definition of ‘little m’ manifestation is:
‘the action or process of making something evident or certain.’
For our purposes the definition of ‘big M’ Manifestation is thus:
‘The energetic process of actualizing a desire into reality through non ordinary means’
In truth the mechanism at hand is profoundly simple. With that definition you have everything you need. But the human mind is a fickle thing complete with consciousness, conscious thought, subconscious, unconscious, and super conscious... Thus I will provide enough nuance that you can really push it around on the grand table of your life. For what it’s worth so that the tables are even, this is my understanding and modality. You can take anything or nothing from this article. You can reject the complexity of it and simply take the simplest form, or you can adopt what I’ve used to create quite a wondrous life.
Granted, I operate at the level of fundamental energetics, so it is also true that from most of what I practice and teach you can extrapolate the particular styles of most anyone else. These are the building blocks. My language is particular but I do my best to scrub secularism out of my work. I want to give the tools and the capacity to you, and let you color it as you will, as I have. And at that it’s a good time to share a bit of that here. The world is filled with pretenders, wishful thinkers, charlatans, and armchair mystics claiming to know how Manifestation works. But where’s the evidence?
I am perplexed by the grand-stand declarations of ‘how Manifestation works’ coming from people who are not happy with their lives, their health, their work, their income, or how they look. We live in an odd time where anyone can broadcast into the void of social media whatever they want, and if enough people click on it, it spreads. I have witnessed a wide array of bad takes on the subject of Manifestation spread like wild fire. But Kedrik, if it is exactly whatever I make of it, how can it be a bad take?
Explanations of Manifestation that do not work for the person explaining them, or most people that try to use them, are inherently bad takes.
The proof is in the pudding, as my late uncle used to say, show me the raisins.
So, here are my raisins.
At the time of this writing my biological age is 36. Important to note biology because I do not look, physically, 36. I am a young looking fellow, vibrant and healthy as I expect and counter to my genetics. I have also done a number of mitochondria and GI evaluations and my insides don’t act my age either. Yet there was a time when I was not so healthy, had severe allergies, and later dealt with IBS.
Where did the allergies go? One day, while in college I was on the tail end of 2 weeks of severe spring allergies. I was at the point of complete exhaustion. I hadn’t breathed through my nose in ages, all I could do was blow my nose and sleep. I was taking decongestants and antihistamines, all the right herbs and using a neti-pot. It only got worse. I was obsessing over fixing it because frankly I was miserable. It was so bad that I would get rashes and have to take cold showers just to get a break. Official allergy tests declared me deathly allergic to all trees, grasses, and dust. I was only moderately allergic to everything else. But I got to the end of my wits.
I got angry.
Not the sort of angry that throws furniture and yells at the sky. The righteous ‘enough is fucking enough’ sort of angry. I was pissed because I knew from past personal experience and evidence of other people that this was not the only option. That I could be allergy free and comfortable in my own body. In that instance I made a choice.
I threw the allergy meds in the trash, emptied my trash bin of countless used tissues, and said to myself out loud in the mirror, ‘Fuck this. I’m done with allergies. Thanks for the lessons but I’m not doing it anymore. Over it.’
The next day I woke phenomenally better.
The day after that I was yet further allergy free.
my body cleared and the allergies ended.
To this day it’s been some 16 odd years since I Manifested my allergies away. It still happens from time to time. Allergic responses are natural defense mechanisms. But that’s the end of it, and it’s rare.
You may have caught some of the mechanisms of Manifestation in this story: intensity, expectation, evidence, affirmation, gratitude. We’ll get back to this list but write those down.
OK, so we ended allergies overnight, big deal? What about the IBS?
The medical community considers IBS a life long disease. Permanent. You can medicate it away or eat extremely restricted diets. You can reduce your stress to zero and avoid every trigger you have. You might still get episodes.
I probably got mine from a combination of work stress and taking Metronidazole one too many times in foreign countries under the professional but ultimately stupid advice of ‘more is better, take 2 grams’. My Microbiome was fried, and having had an iron gut for most of my life, I didn’t have the best dietary habits. Chewing is a skill I am still learning.
I’ll save you the impolite details and just tell you that it got bad. It all came to a head when I activated an Aztec astral gateway while visiting Teotihuacan and got blasted in my 2nd and 3rd Chakras hard.
Similarly I’d tried many things to fix it prior to that, including bu not limited to biofilm clearing enzyme protocols, bpc-157 peptides, dietary restrictions, dry fasting... Everything helped a bit, but at the same time subtle parallel symptoms would pop up. One protocol would reduce bloating but increase pain. Another would quiet the dis-regulated peristalsis but bring back the bloating. I was convinced that I was making strides towards better, and to this day I still believe those efforts were not wasted, but ultimately the IBS was steady on in its myriad forms.
I ended up in the office of a leading colonic surgeon and GI specialist in Mexico City ready to take any pharmaceutical he wanted to give me. But even then, one false step and the symptoms would come raging back. I was obsessing over fixing it... do you notice a pattern? And what comes next?
I got righteously angry, but this time I let it clear and kept the intensity.
I decided -declared- that I was not the sort of person that had debilitating IBS. I have and always had an iron gut. Bulletproof. I was over it. I was done. To hell with IBS, it ends today.
The next morning I woke up feeling surprisingly well.
The morning after, even better.
Since then I have been completely free of IBS.
Yes, I have learned to chew my food, and yes I am more attentive to what I eat. I did some gut repair protocols and had the help of an energy healer. All helped but the moment of breakthrough was rapid and immediate. The philly steak cheese sub last week -which would have for sure fucked me up before- is testament to the fact that the IBS is gone and it is not that I am simply avoiding the triggers.
Did you catch more mechanisms of Manifestation?
Validation. Actualization. Visualization.
Ok, great medical health examples. But what you really want is sex, love and money, right? This White Paper Scroll isn’t to show off my super powers, and indeed these are not only mine but yours as well, so I’ll save you the endless stories of evidence to what I am going to share with you. But just so we’re clear:
- I have been to 51 countries, over 470 cities.
- I spent much of that time in VIP situations, often complimentary.
- I’ve lived in some of the most desirable areas in the world.
- I have worked with some of the best masters in their fields.
- My greatest achievements have come 'serendipitously'.
- I always have at least enough money to live comfortably as I choose.
- Every skill I’ve desired has come easily, even the strange ones.
- I am the cooler version of the man I wanted to be as a teen.
- I’ve done more in my life than most people consider possible in lifetimes.
- I've dated the exact women I envisioned prior and they came "out of nowhere".
- I've had the exact experiences I pictured having, all over the world.
And on a daily basis the things that I expect to happen, happen. at this point it is rarely a surprise when the unexplainable lands in my lap. I joke with close friends that I must be careful what I declare or envision because it will come. Down to the little things like walking into a gym for the first time at the age of 36 and being able to deadlift 300lbs up to a PR of 355lbs in a month or two. My life follows my visionary expectation.
This is not a super power.
It is a birthright.
And you have it, too.
The challenge is in the choice. You must actively desire to access your Manifestation. You must love yourself enough to find the start of the thread, and once the evidence is in -just enough- keep pulling. Most importantly, you must take the first step. This is not a thing anyone can do for you. The sphere of your influence is strong. The domain of your Auric sphere of influence is yours to command. Any moment where it seems otherwise is due to your choice to give that control over to someone or something else.
Your first assignment: Choose to believe this is possible.
Now, without further ado, let's get into it.
I’ve worked at this list for a while. It’s my way to explore and tinker with what I find. A true Alchemist by nature. Some of these concepts will be familiar if you’ve dabbled at least a little into the nature of Manifestation. Whether it be Abraham Esther Hicks and her channeling of the Law of Attraction, Neville Goddard and his refinement of the Law of Assumption, Austin Spare’s Chaos Sigil Magick, or the myriad of more esoteric and occult methods of creating what you want from the aether itself, there’s a thread of truth in all of these. Florence Scovel, Peter Carol, John Dee, Allister Crowley... What I have found to be true is that they are all working with the same fundamental mechanisms in their own way.
Abraham Hicks never (rarely?) suggests the power of Assumption, but as you read her channeled wisdoms you recognize that there is a significant amount of it in there.
Likewise, Neville Goddard did a bit of scoffing at the Law of Attraction... and yet the nature of finding the feeling of what you want to create is woven into the way the devout LOA practitioners navigate the gap between the present experience and the one they’re creating.
Even Austin Spare, known aficionado of sex, drugs, and his own version of rock and roll, with his emphasis on pushing the Manifestation into the subconscious for completion, embraced the notion of state control, vision, gratitude, and focus.
Behind every door you will find a pattern to this wizardry.
I will reveal the pattern to you here, but the next step is yours:
Find the method of activating this birthright that suits you best.
Now, let’s dive into the mechanisms of Manifestation.
In case you didn’t catch them all along the way, let’s make sure we’ve got the same list:
- Potentiality
- Beingness
- Reasonable Access
- Gratitude
- Vitality
- Intensity
- Capacity
- Expectation
- Belief
- Evidence
- Validation
- Assumption
- Story
- Attention
- Focus
- Intention
- Vision
- Affirmation
- Sigilry
- Will
- Discipline
- Surrender
- Release
- Trust
- State (Personal)
- Mindset and Mental
- Physical Body
- Energetic Body
- Emotional Body
- Developemental Level
This list is roughly in order of precedence, which is to say the earlier items will make the later items easier. This is not a rule. I know many exceptions to this order. I know individuals who do not put any effort to half of this list whether it be that they do not need the others, or as is most likely, they naturally hold some of these mechanisms as an aspect of their character. Indeed even in my own stories about allergies and IBS, you’ll notice that I had intensity, expectation, evidence, and brief affirmation, yet had limited if not lacking inclusion of the others.
This is important to note.
There are two hidden truths here. The first is that the fish that swims in the ocean does not need to practice breathing under water any more than the clouds must be taught how to float on a breeze. It is unnecessary for diamonds to taught how to form; it matters not if the dog understands why his tail wags when he’s happy.
You will inherently have some of these naturally.
you will immediately recognize some in your character.
You do not need to pay them any more mind once you discover this is true. Embrace the nature of your abundance and focus where you can really move the needle on your Manifestation.
The second is that Manifestation in this mechanistic lens is easiest understood as a mathematical equation, though do not mistake that to mean you can simple push the numbers around. The math is an analogy only.
If we took our list and reduced it to the initial letters it might look a little something like this:
P * G * V * E * A * I * W * S = Power of Manifestation
It is in the interaction between these parts that the results are created. The higher the value of each, the greater the power of manifestation. If you’re keen on math, it is important to note that this is best represented with all of the values being represented as percentages, which is to say they will be less than 1 and greater than 0. When you do this the end result is a percentage as well. In this metaphor of math you would then be able to say, ‘Based on the mechanisms at play, I have *this* percentage of my Manifestation Power onboard’ for this particular attempt.
For those of you that despise math: These mechanisms interact in a way so as to either amplify or diminish your manifestation power. If your Gratitude is super low, it will drastically limit your capacity to create your desires. If your Expectation is 100% full power, you are destined to succeed.
But here’s the KEY to the puzzle: If your Manifestation power was at full blast, you could manifest anything, everything, anytime, instantaneously. In the analogy of this equation is the implication that if you had everything maxed at 100%, you would be hanging out with God (again) firing off the creation laser at will.
Alas, we are here to experience duality and be in this lovely adventure of physicality. There are no humans alive, nor have there been any, with 100%. Arguably the average Manifestation power is somewhere around 8-10%, with the really elite creators in the low 30s, and the average person down around 5%. This is largely because human capacity in general is far below even a modest estimation of our potential, let alone anything ambitious. But don’t get your hopes down! This is an exponential scale. You move the needle even 1% and the game changes. If you’re at 5% now, and you move the dial to 7%, you’re looking at profound changes.
Well then, Kedrik, if I get to 7%, what’s going on with the other 93%?
The rest is filled with action. Or more accurately, action steps. And those steps exist in the co-created reality that we all agree on. Those steps are essentially you walking through the world that's already been manifested to get into position for the next pop. In truth, much of what actually must be done is getting out of our own ways. There’s a big chunk of patience required. The act of Being in flow might require a bit of Doing to get into the groove. We’re funny creatures with a lot going on under the hood. Most of the action required to manifest is dialing in your energetics, cleaning up your mindset, placing yourself in the flow of Manifestation, and removing any blocks you created along the way. Much of that remaining percentage might look like going for walks, meditation, and conversations with friends. It will also includes things like being visible to the right communities of people and building up skills that the vision needs to land in your lap. The bottom line, you’ll know it when you feel it.
It is however important to note that this mathematical analogy breaks down a bit when we look at moments of Intense desire or extreme need. We could attempt to represent those by saying ‘when a mechanism is extremely activated it can have a value greater than 1’, or even include subtraction when a particular mechanism is working against us. However that is too into the weeds for what we're creating, and ultimately a distraction.
For now, my math lovers, we will say that a score of zero is complete inertness (dead?) and a score of 1 is full power. Do what thou wilt with the bits in the middle.
And for the rest and probably the majority of you, ignore all that and continue reading.
What you may have noticed with our list of Mechanisms is that some are nested within others. For example: Vitality contains Intensity and Capacity. Expectation is a composition of Belief, Evidence, Validation, Assumption and/or Story. These things are true in a sense but I don’t want you to get bogged down in yet more weeds. I’ve included these additional aspects to represent the perceptions of the many lineages I’ve studied, but more importantly to illustrate alternate paths to the root Mechanism.
Again with Vitality as an example, you may desire to manifest a change but lacking in energy -maybe you’re sick or fatigued- at the time. To be healthy, vigorous, and full of life is a high level of Capacity. But of equal potential is the sheer force if Intensity that pushes that extra necessary bundle of Vitality into the equation.
Expectation is quite simple on the surface, but we all get there a different way. To the devout christian Manifesting through prayer, it is the sheer Belief in Christ that gets them there. Yet for others the mood doesn’t even need to be right if they only have a clear assumption of the inevitable actualization of their desires. Yet still others may not be convinced of any of that, yet their analytical minds have tracked down extensive Evidence and historic Validation for the thing they seek to create.
The key here is that the root Mechanisms are at play. How you get there is up to you. I’ve included additional Aspects that I see often AND I see work. There are surely more. If in doubt, ask yourself if the aspect you’re looking at can directly play into one of these root Mechanisms. If still in doubt, feel free to send me a message and we can chat about it. But I’ll warn you, I’m liable to point you back to your own Self Authority on the matter.
Let’s go through the list, shall we?
Potentiality -
This is the baseline likelyhood that co-created shared reality as we know it can even hold what you're creating. If you want to drop a lambo in your driveway in a split second, that's a big ask. If you're just trying to increase income by whatever means, there's a lot more wiggle room. Potentiality tells you how much non-ordinary magick is going to be required just for it to be possible. It's generally divided between two parts. The first is the Beingness, which can be considered the internal potential and your baseline state. Are you being the sort of person who can have, receive, hold, and keep the thing you're manifesting. Are you in the right state of mind to even comprehend what you're bringing in. This also includes your developemental level and represents what you can concievably match. If your Beingness isn't up to the task, you may be asking for something beyond you or quite literally not thinking clearly about what you want. On the other hand we have your external potential, otherwise known as Reasonable Access. This is interesting because it is the non-ordinary placeholder for all of the "rational" aspects of the manifestation. It isn't the details of how you're going to work hard, do the tasks, and make the effort to get the thing you want directly, but it does represent how open the path is for what you are creating to land. You want to date the supermodel with the 7 figure business and the designer pet feline, but the question is if your life even overlaps with hers enough that you could be introduced. Or maybe she's Italian and never learned English? Reasonable Access tells you how much disruption is required and in a sense can be seen as a measure of the ripples this will create in the pond of existence.
Gratitude -
This is fairly self evident. Be grateful. The Universe likes to give energy in any form to people, places, things, and ideas that will use it well and joyfully. What’s already amazing in your life? Even just one thing. Find that and smile. Recognize the abundance you already have and the Universe will deliver more abundance. This is the first lesson from the age old saying ‘where attention goes, energy flows’. You want to Manifest your desires? Start by recognizing to yourself and aether itself that you are a person who has Abundance.
Vitality -
This is the essential life force that you have to place into your Manifestation. It is the Chi that flows through your body and the Mana you can push out into the world. It is the stamina you have to show up to the day with a pep in your step or the endurance to make it through a hard slog. Let’s face it, some of us are naturally gifted with a lot of Vitality. Their Capacity to fill the vessel of their Manifestation is seemingly endless. And yet others must charge these batteries for the Work. Your self care and personal practices will aid you greatly here. If the mere thought of Manifesting something exhausts you, look to that which lights you up. Look to what makes you feel joyful, rested, and optimistic. In some cases it will be a matter of stamping your seal of approval on it with Intensity. Not a lot of endurance in your system but oh how you pack a punch. Or in the case of the stories above about IBS and allergies, it is sometimes in our moments of greatest need and most intense disagreement with the current state of things that we generate the Vital power necessary.
Expectation -
It is essential to the Magick of manifestation that you expect what you desire to become real; that you are not fooled but how things are into believing that they cannot be otherwise. To the spiritually inclined and religiously devout this will come in the form of Belief. To the scientifically oriented it will take others. Evidence is the remnant traces of the desired truth that already exist Now. It is the future sending hints back to say ‘it’s possible!’ in ways that you can catch. The never-before-been showing it’s face in preparation to become real. Validation is similar but lives in the tracking of shared reality and the realities that others have created. It comes in the form of ‘I see it happening for him... These things worked before... I’ve had it in the past... and so it must be possible now.' The favorite amongst Neville Goddard fans and arguably the easiest Expectation to hold is Assumption: the notion that assuming a thing is true re-orients our experience of reality; that it is our state of mind around our life that acts as the activator for our Manifestation. It is all of these ways that we utilize the power of Story to rewrite our future with whatever material suits us. All of these are excellent vehicles for strong Expectation.
Attention -
If you cannot hold the thing that you desire in your awareness at all then what do you expect the Universe to do with your incoherent request? Attention can be applied with determination and Focus, or it can be applied with clarity in the moment. This is not a hard one to maximize a long as you recognize that Attention is a matter of having ‘ just the right amount’. Too much becomes obsession or distraction. Not enough leaves us wandering without discipline. This is the reason why it is hard for hypochondriacs to Manifest good health and for those with ADHD or other divergent distractedness to call in changes. But even in those, exceptions exist. Nothing is impossible.
Intention -
If you’re unsure where your Intention lies, simply ask yourself: ‘What will this do for me? Why do I want it? What will life be like when I have it?’ Within intention are the hidden desires that we may not always know are pulling the threads of our Manifestation. Even in the simplest schools of thought I find that everyone does some degree of Intention work. Why? Because the Vision of what you’re creating and the ability to truly see it in your mind is a part of the game. How can you expect to create what you want if you aren’t even sure what it is? This does not mean you must know exactly what the experience will be like. That works for some folks, but what if you are Manifesting something you’ve never experienced before? This is where having a clear Vision of what you expect it to be like and holding Affirmations that point in the right direction are powerful. In either case, there’s a sweet spot between hyper-specific and too-vague. On the one end you narrow the Universe into creating something for you that requires moving a lot of pieces on the board. On the other end you have given it so little to go off of that most results qualify. Job done. Manifestation complete. For this reason much of the Sigilry community follows the example of Austin Spare: determine what you want to create, write it in a clear sentence, create a Sigil from that, and through whatever means you prefer, send it to your subconscious with a passion. It is by these many ways that we set our Intention into the equation. It can be said that the Intention of your Manifestations are living in the Purpose and Dharma of your life. When in doubt, ask your Soul.
Will -
On the surface it would seem that many people Manifest entirely outside of any requirements for a strong Will or the determination of a seasoned Mystic. Indeed there are many such examples of people who create their desires effortlessly that would not be your first pick as examples of possessing strong Willpower. They whimsy and float their way right into the sweet spot. But there is a subtler side of Will that is often overlooked and hides in the most interesting of places. This is the Will of the devoted practitioner. She may not be disciplined in her actions, he may not have much focus, they may or may not possess the optimism and excitement you’d expect of someone who can draw their desires into existence... but they show up. They show up every day. They don't have a Disciplined approach but they persist. These are the true pinnacle examples of Will in the physical realm. In the world of Manifestation it is the determination to simply continue that counts. You can think of Will as the internal force that presses you forward in the direction you want to go.
Discipline -
I'll say first off that while I sort Discipline as a subset of Will, I'll break format here to give it it's own exposition because the distinction is important. Discipline is the art of persistence actualized into the physical realm. It is your Will pressed into what you do and for that reason you can think of Discipline as the doing side of Will. It is how you enact your determination into daily routines, thoughts, and consistency. Can you Manifest without Discipline? It depends on how particular we are with the definition but I often tell clients you can either hold an iron Will regardless of the experiences you face or you can show up with consistent discipline to spread that force out across your day and either one will get you there. That said, there is a reason to hone your discipline: it is a precursor to something that all masterful Shamans rely heavily on and which the Toltec's call: Impeccability. This goes a step beyond Discipline and Will. Instead of doing the "appropriate steps" for the strategy and desired outcome regardless of how you feel time after time as a force of mental determination, or simply staying in the experience hell or high water, Impeccability is a Soulful Beingness that arises from knowing with a high degree of integrity, alignment, and coherence. It is the unspoken Truth that you feel without the need for checklists or consideration. It is the power generated by Will but without applied force. Notice the transition in this arrangement: It begins with Will, a Beingness that you hold in your center and transitions to Discipline, the Doing that arises as a result of applying that Will. Yet with further evolution of the self you return to Beingness as Impeccability forms. For this reason it can be said that you do not need all three, but that there will be an appropriate one in any given instance. How do you determine? If you are not Impeccable in a given moment, resort to Disciplined action to shore up the gap. If that fails, press your Will. Naturalized Beingness,Structured Doingness, Intentional Beingness. This is, generally speaking, the order that you will want to navigate any of these domains if you find yourself losing ground. Which is a great segue...
Surrender -
Some of you will cringe at the word. It has admittedly received it’s own stardom of over use in many of the wrong ways. The woo babes of the boss bitch world of business love to leverage the notion of Surrender. Unfortunately it is often the case that they’re using it to justify working less and sipping more lattes. And yet they have landed on some sage and timeless wisdom, and for that we can smile and appreciate their passion for Surrender. It is not the act of setting down the hard work to do something that provides more dopamine that is they key here. Surrender is the art of Release; of letting go once the act is done so that the unseen forces of the Universe can take up your request and make it so. This is often hard for most people, especially in westernized cultures. We expect that we must hold it ourselves and do all the work. But it is precisely in the Being and not the doing that all things are made real. It is in the Trust we hold for the rest of existence, which is really just ourselves as the Universe in the experience of being something different. When you Trust the process, you opt in to receive the results.
What on this list struck a cord of excitement in you?
What on this list felt exhausting to consider?
What on this list was an obvious duh?
These are the hints of your Intuition guiding you to your particular flavor of Manifestation, your particular Path. It is in my observation and experience that the core Mechanisms (Gratitude, Vitality, Expectation, Attention, Intention, Will, Surrender) are present in every lineage I have studied, including my own. But how you get to each is up to you. In fact it is required that you orient towards your own means of Manifest reality. It is precisely in the act of picking your own Path amongst infinite potentials that gets you there.
The new age younglings have taken this to mean that they can rewrite the entire script down the fundamentals; be absolutely pompous and degenerate, or delusional and lazy, and Manifest whatever they want. Yet the proof is in the pudding, and I rarely see any raisins over there. This is because the mechanisms of Manifestation are in the fundamental metaphysics of the Universe. And the power is in the constraint itself.
Reread the list.
Do the core mechanisms really hold you back? Or do they guide you to success? Do they tell you how you must Manifest, or do they point you in the right direction and set you free? There were times when I included on this list things I thought were fundamental. Later I found that to be my own bias. I have been careful not to share this prematurely, waiting to be certain that I was pulling at the strings of the deepest truth. I hope that you’ll use these strings well. To that effect, you can consider this v1.0 of the 3rd WPS. I'll be updating this if anything profound comes along, but as is I'm pretty confident we've got the fundamentals in place.
Before we go, I would be remiss to critique the new age tik-tok witches of cherry picking the fun stuff and leaving the ‘work’ out without addressing the notion of 'Counter Manifest' forces.
Can you Manifest anything you want? Yes.
Is it a lot easier than you think? Absolutely yes.
Is that the nature of the challenge? Often.
We tend to make more friction for ourselves than anything else does. But there are some considerations to be made. Counter Manifest forces come in two forms: Internal and External.
Internal Counter Manifest Forces -
These are the hidden expectations you have yet to uncover; the subtle or unconscious facets of your paradigm that drag you back to what is true now and away from what you desire. They may be the voices of your parents, or the echos of the cultures you were born into and grew up with. They may be in the ways you were educated. Some of these Internal Counter Manifest Forces exist within your gifts. I have seen it many times where individuals with vivid imaginations have considerable trouble with Attention or Intention. It was my own hurdle to overcome the lack of Surrender hiding within my strong worth ethic. But it is also true that they are not unknowable. Awareness is your weapon here; Honesty is your salvation. For each root Mechanism, ask yourself if you have any ICMFs at play that would limit it. Look with curiosity to your childhood and your upbringing. Find the anchors that hold you back and cut them loose.
External Counter Manifest Forces -
This is one of the points that many devout students of Manifestation will stubbornly disagree with me on, and in fact many schools of thought actively deny these External Counter Manifest Forces outright, dismissing them as limiting beliefs or validating them away with clever mental gymnastics and some misused quantum physics. Honestly, I can’t really argue there. What a clever use of Vision and Story. And yet it is within these exact individuals that I often see the clearest examples of ECMFs. ‘Well, reality tunnels being real, there’s a version of me that has already Manifested this, we’re just in the reality that is delayed.’ Or the classic, ‘I could have that if I want to but I don’t.’ I won’t belabor the point. The truth is we live in Shared Reality. This is provable on a fundamental level and evident in the highest notions of Oneness. Yes, I can manifest my desires, and there is most likely a parallel universe or reality tunnel in which I have them already. But we aren’t over there. We’re here. My desire to have my neighbor’s car is in competition with his desire to keep his car. In this way, as we covered earlier, we want to be specific enough for clarity but open enough for potentiality. I will Manifest a car like his. Surely I could manifest that I had your eyeballs in my head, but what a feat of power that would be!
And yet, on the topic of Shared Reality I won’t leave you with a brick wall of 'everyone else' standing in your way, for indeed they are not and the wall does not exist. For every desire you have, there are millions of known and unknown desires that align perfectly. Shared Reality is not the buzz-kill stop sign it seems to some practitioners but the Godsend of collaboration with our fellow explorers. it is the the gateway through which we are enabled by the coordination of the infinite aspects of the Universe experiencing itself. That our desires are mirrored by Others in perfect harmony is precisely why this world is so amazing.
Shared Reality is a blessing, if you hold it rightly.
Within your Intention hide your true desires. Find those and Manifest that which brings you closer to your joy. Within your Vision of a better future is a community of people who desire similar things. Where gathered in numbers so does thine power grow. It is precisely in the constraint of Shared Reality that we find union with ourselves through the mirror of other people seeking the same thing we are: Bliss. And it is precisely this seeking of Bliss that sets us free. Embrace that, don’t fight it. Build with others where possible and accept their dreams smilingly as valid where not. Gratitude is the beginning and the end. Be grateful for their contribution to this wild and beautiful experience. Be in flow with Life because it is precisely this fundamental state of Being that brings forth the most potential.
It is precisely in not Doing,
That all things are Done.
Here’s to your Manifestation.
See you on the other side,
- Kedrik Winter Wolf