White Paper [Scroll] #07
Incarnation is a Choice
Incarnation is a choice.
This comes as a shock to many people, if not downright unacceptable to most. We live in a world, especially now, that is heavily imbalanced towards materialist perspectives; towards reductionist thinking that requires the rational thought process of the mind and must therefore only take into account that which the mind has direct access and experience. What a wildly limiting frame of reference, but we’ll talk about that another time.
Regardless of whatever objections are swirling your mind right now and convincing you that this cannot possibly be true, I’ll say it again.
Incarnation is a choice.
If you’re like most people your attention is on the “incarnation” part. To be sure, let’s be completely on the same page about what that means.
Incarnation is the actualization of your self into this carnal, biological existence. It is the birth of you -whatever that means to you- into a body in this physical reality. It is the existence we all know with our minds and human memories. It is mortality, existence, experience, doing, perceiving, and everything that humanity has to offer.
Most people don’t remember their own birth -their incarnation day- with any detail if at all. Most people barely remember their time as an infant. The mind doesn’t store and collect memory in a clearly conscious way at that age. It’s there, but buried under the absolute mountain of learning happening as you get used to your new vessel and catch your barrings in this wild world of linear time and gravity. The body is building itself so quickly that hardly any energy is left to keep a good conscious record -but it’s there if you learn how to find it.
Still, it is assumed by most to be the beginning.
Birth. The start. Day One.
The truth couldn’t be further from this story but to find and hold this truth in particular you will have to really stretch your limits. You will have to step outside of the frame of reference your mind contains; to go beyond mind itself and reach for the unknown. Truly, you will have to admit to yourself -no, demand of yourself- that you are not your mind. That your thoughts and ideas and everything else that happens between your ears is a single facet of your being. A highly effective tool for this material plane, but surely just one piece of the puzzle.
Once you’ve got that down you’ll have to grapple with the possibility that your birth was not the beginning.
And this is where we settle into a very important realization: the important piece of “incarnation is a choice” is not the incarnation part. This wild and crazy experience that for most people is everything; this journey that if you believe half the stories is the envy of every non-incarnate being in the universe; this trial of fortitude, perseverance, wisdom, and willingness... all of it is but a flash of something in an infinite universe of everything else. It is profound. It will leave you awestruck. It is unequivocal and cannot be repeated. And yet it isn’t the whole story, or even the majority of the plot.
What you come to realize is that despite everything that incarnation is, the important piece in this is choice.
If you’ve already settled with the fact that birth is not the beginning, then the implication is there was something happening before that. You could still hold that there was no choice -for surely you do not remember making it?- and you were simply thrust into the body of a screaming baby in a strange place with strangers you would grow to love.
I’ll need to you stretch your mind a bit further, because this is important.
You chose to enter that body, the one you’re in now, reading this white paper scroll. You participated in the voluntary process of compressing your vast infinite self into that vessel you now occupy complete with all the limitations and a frightful case of amnesia. You decided, in whatever form that takes outside of a duality driven existence, that this would be a good experience for you, even when it was hard. This is important. Pay attention. This choice to incarnate is the most important choice you can possibly accept ownership for because it is the genesis seed of every single other choice you make this lifetime. It is the apex core of your Will.
By accepting that you chose to incarnate, you willfully take upon your shoulders and more importantly into your control every single experience you have in this life.
At times they will be incredible, beautiful, filled with joy and wonder. You will marvel at the nearly indescribable brilliance of this life. Moments of pure ecstasy that last for eons packed into moments. You wish to stay forever.
At other times the experience of this world is brutal. It tears at the very fabric of your sanity and this time the moments are packed seemingly to the infinite brim with unimaginable pain and suffering. Moments stretch beyond time. Days feel like lifetimes and you become lost in a sea of pain. Nothing else exists and even your body drifts from your awareness; just a vague sense of self floating on a river of fire.
Yet it is true, in either case, that these experiences were both a part of the choice to enter the world in flesh and bones. Like leaflets in a book containing pages upon pages that first choice unfolds into the multitudes you have made and will make in this lifetime. It is true in every single experience that you came here explicitly for this. all of this.
Can you feel that?
Can you set aside the offense and the denial and any resistance you hold when you consider the possibility that you chose all of this? Can you rest your mind and your emotional body long enough to catch the sheer gravity of what this means?
If it is true that you have chosen to incarnate into everything you have ever and will ever experience in this life, than you own that. It’s yours. Every single moment, good or bad, dark or bright as the sun, is yours. By claiming that first choice to show up to this life, you claim authority over every single moment here. Even when it feels outside of your control, even when it’s all going to absolute and complete shit, even when you can’t seem to get a leg up and curve balls come at you from every direction, even when you feel like you can’t breathe and the anxiety is threatening to drown you silently in your own skin...
It’s all yours.
Even on the worst days you wish you could forget while they’re still happening, it is precisely your awareness, perception, and experience that cannot be taken away from you. No matter how bad it gets it’s still you in the seat. It’s still your life and it’s still your choice on what to do with it.
It’s your choice to drown in the sadness or look for the silver lining.
It’s your choice to collapse into frustration or take another gentle breath.
It’s your choice to fight the current tossing you about, or ride it.
The world will beat you down from time to time. It will take everything from you and demand that you keep on walking. It will drag you through the mud and make you question your sanity.
It will also lift you up high as the heavens. It will give you love and connection that you will praise the gods for being so blessed. It will show you what perfection really means.
And you get to choose how you interact with these times. You get to choose when to embrace gratitude in every cell of your body, or when the only thing you can manage is to just take another breath. You get to choose if a moment is the baseline you expect and desire from your experience, or if you decide to appreciate it for providing dark contrast to the bright highs and let it go.
You get to choose how you speak.
You get to choose what you do.
You get to choose how you be.
Sometimes, that choice will be to work out the old habits and become what you desire. Sometimes the choice is simply to head towards your ideal, even if it takes a bit of effort to change from a state of reaction to a state of response; from unconscious actions to Willful intentions.
You also get to choose to not take ownership of any of it. This is how many people live their lives these days; tossing about on the turbulence feeling pitiful and forlorn. But even the choice to abdicate your ownership is a choice.
This is why claiming that original choice to incarnate is so important:
When you claim that choice as yours and nobody else’s, you exponentially expand your ability to take responsibility and ownership of every single moment you will live. You become upright and powerful, such that even the hard times are still learning opportunities and when all hope is lost you can still rest in the knowledge that you came here on purpose to find meaning and appreciation in every single moment.
If there’s one thing I can give you, one thing I hope that every single person I know and every single client I have could take with them on their way, it would be this:
Your life WILL become better, even when it’s off the rails, by simply owning your Choices.
I promise you this: your sovereignty is unquestionable by anyone and anything except for one person:
Even at the absolute foundation of your existence deeper than anything you can imagine might contend for this place of significance, it is your belief and TRUST in your Sovereignty that will define every. Single. Moment.
Start there.
Whatever the world has told you through hard times and loud voices about you; whatever limits you’ve been convinced of; whatever stories you’ve accepted about your worth and your freedom to choose, just take a breath and remember: You are Sovereign. You are Free. You have Choice.
From there, there is no limit.
Within each moment are infinite moments to claim. Within every experience is a world of opportunity to flex your willful incarnation and your profoundly fundamental sovereignty.
This is why you are here.
Thank you for honoring your Choice,
- Kedrik Winter Wolf