White Paper [Scroll] #09

There is No Trap

Hello Friend-

There’s a subset of people who are aware of the nature of incarnation and it’s many complex facets that believe the entire thing is a trap; a state of recurring existence that we must escape but that something evil is locking us into. It’s predicated on a few accepted concepts: the notion that there is something outside of incarnation (Gross, Material, Dual space inside, with Subtle, Energetic, Multi space outside), the notion that reincarnation occurs to bring us back here for more experiences in different perspectives, and that negative forces have created confusion and obfuscation so that we continue on this loop forever, “donating” our loosh (the energetic content of our emotional experiences) to their diabolical plans forever.

This is often connected to the idea of karmic evolution of the individuated Soul in that we are here to evolve but that our awareness as a society as to what that entails has been stolen so that we’ll do the loop endlessly instead of developing sovereignty and getting the fuck out. We don’t have the road maps anymore, or the blueprints, so we stumble needlessly for countless lives longer than was ever required.

OR, it’s opposed to the idea of karmic evolution by way of suggesting that we originally came here just for the experience, but due to the nature of the “game” including a sort of amnesia upon birth causing us to go through a round of mortality unaware that we are timeless immortals, we don’t actually know that we’re here intentionally and it’s entirely optional in the moment, thus creating a chance for the evil overlords of the multiverse to trick us into choosing incarnation over and over. In this instance there is no such thing as karma in any sense of the word, we just don’t know any better.

Either way, the idea of incarnation as a trap perpetuates and the enemy -real or imagined- takes shape for us to battle. On one hand the enemy is within the experience in the form of governments and dictators. In the other the enemy is some dark and powerful creature in the astral that keeps us like rats in a cage. Leastwise that’s what they say.

I’m not going to tell you what to believe for the chief reason that part of your experience here is your beliefs and what they do to how you experience the rest of it. It’s a multi-layered ball of yarn and everything really does serve a purpose even if it didn’t get placed there on purpose. So whatever version of incarnation you like, it is exactly what you need right now and I wish you the best of luck.

That said, if you’re here, it’s because you are curious about what I know about the subject and want to hear a bit about the wisdoms I’ve dug up along my way. Given that, let’s talk about the real trap that has humanity in it’s grasp.

First, they don’t have it all wrong. This physical reality and incarnation is a training ground for higher order manifest power, instant thought creation at higher planes, and a container to mature the Individuated Self/Soul so that it can handle the higher levels of existence. It is paradoxical in nature, but if you can hold both of these you’ll have the skeleton of it:

1, It is entirely by choice, both the choice to incarnate and the choice to be done and move on are completely within your authority, as well as any other choices within the incarnation including but not limited to the act of increasing your manifest power as high as you can possibly get it; of pushing the limits as far as they’ll go. There are no limits but what you make for yourself, and,

2, The nature of this plane/state/level of existence -as a training ground for individuated souls- has limiters inherently built in to keep it functioning. More or less. But these limiters are not placed as “laws you must obey because something powerful said so” so much as they are “mechanistic qualities of the space that define the experience. These are limits more akin to playing soccer on grass instead of concrete. The physics of grass isn’t a legislation you must obey so much as the nature of the environment that grass creates. And why are there limiters? This is a paradox within the paradox. The limits are there because that is the nature of granular Gross, Material, Duality driven, It focused reality. That’s what existence simply does at this level. And because at this stage there is not unanimous understanding of the nature of higher order existence, the path through the levels back to source, or the meaning and significance of any of it. There is also not a coherent and equal degree of taking responsibility for what we each create in reality. It ranges from complete sleeper NPC to 100% self authorized and sovereign, and it is most definitely a sloppy bell-curve. Because of that, we don’t have a shared, universal, innate wisdom about what it means to be a self authorized, Choice empowered, manifesting Soul.

Number 2 will twist you up if you don’t hold it in it’s entirety. The limiters of reality are in place to mitigate the absolute cluster fuck that would occur if all of us could create anything with the snap of a finger so that the experiences at this layer can occur and function AND it is just the nature of reality at this level, no more by design than anything else. It is hiking a trail you’ve never been on because you want that particular experience, hiking one you had no information about and are pleasantly (or unpleasantly) surprised by what you find, and a specific route chosen by the event coordinators to create a particular challenge with unique limitations. All at once.

To make it even more complicated, you are the one who sets the limits, opens the event, chooses to participate, and convinces yourself you’re stuck there all at once. It is all by design, and none of us know what’s coming next. Not to mention “we” are individuated here but a singular consciousness if you set your point of perspective further up the chain.

Basically: we are all one but we also individuate, reality is by our design but we don’t know what’s next, it isn’t a trap but you can’t advance until you accept the sovereignty to do so and actualize the capacity to choose otherwise, and ultimately nothing is absolute so any of this can be shifted in your experience.

All that said, if you’ll accept that it isn’t a trap placed by something evil, then the question ultimately results: then is there such thing as evil?

Sorry to tell you but this is a paradox as well.

As we are all individuated soul aspects of the unified source of all, we have freedom of choice. This is the nature of the game. Incarnated at the lowest level to climb our way back home. As such, free to choose and knowing (but having forgotten) that ultimately we’re all one and we’ll be together again eventually, some individuation choose to create harm, move the world towards darkness, and generate entropy. Or more accurately, they land in their individuated self, amnesia in full swing, and for whatever reasons interpret reality such that what we consider evil, they consider “correct”. They enact choice and effort in alignment with their perception and the great dance with ourselves continues.

Is there such thing as evil? Yes.

Is that evil separate from us? No.

Ultimately, then, is it evil? No.

This is where the skill of perspective taking at different vantages of existence is essential.

Take for example an experience you really don’t like. A breakup with someone you love dearly or a complete and utter business collapse.

From the vantage of the Gross, Material, It focused, Mentally occupied, Duality driven universe of stuff and things and relationships, where the default vehicle is the Physical Body that just wants to be healthy, whole, well fed, and experience pleasure, this is a bad thing. There’s a lot of pain coming from somewhere above and everything has gone to shit. There’s risk of hardship either way and you can’t help but cry.

Yet from the vantage of the lower Subtle, Energetic, Presence occupied, loosely duality-driven planes where the default vehicles are the Emotional and Energetic Bodies it’s a bit different. In the Emotional Body there is much pain and suffering; confusion and likely a bit of panic. In the Energetic Body there is a drastic change in fields and subtle forms; new content that is likely violent and dis-regulated. But in either case there’s not a permanence -even if it feels that way- because inherently these bodies “know” that they can move onward from this state of existence. The physical body dies but they go onward. In that sense it is painful and intense but it is also a catalyst for evolution and change; for these bodies to shift how they’re operating and try something new, even if sometimes this is for the worse.

Higher still we check in with the vantage of the higher Subtle, Astral, Aetheric realms where the Astral Body and the True self are the default vehicle and we find that the pain is recognized but it isn’t identified with. As soon as it begins these parts are already noticing the Path shift and the changes that will come. They’re already looking for the next best step and the greatest result possible. Pain is an opportunity at this level.

Up again and we end up in the Higher Self, where everything has purpose, value, and significance. Pain is abstract from here and the Higher Self waits patiently for the Bodies to sort themselves out and continue moving forward. It’s all just content for the betterment and evolution of our Soul.

Beyond that are varying vantages that are often theoretical for most people and include a range of perspectives that barely register what happened as pain. It’s all just plan, process, progress, and Path. It just is, and at these higher levels there are plenty of parallel processes happening that are more significant to our evolution. The way is paved at this level before we ever consciously get there by the experiences we have leading up to it. And the further down those Paths we go the closer we get to source, oneness, and ultimate absolute home.

So then, back to the question at hand: is there such thing as evil?

I ask you in return: from what vantage are we asking the question?

From the vantage of the Gross Material Universe, yes there is evil and yes it does cause pain, suffering, and harm. It exists in varying degrees of what we discussed before: a true intention to harm others or a genuine perception of what it does as “correct”. Either way it is of the dark forces, it is not in alignment with evolution back towards source, and it has no empathy or consideration for the other consciousnesses that it effects. This is a range from man with a hammer and bull in a china shop. Either way a lot of glass gets broken.

Yet from the vantage of the Higher self, evil is a vague notion that exists as an abstraction of limited perspective. In reality -from this vantage- there is no more evil than there is meaninglessness and if every step is significantly a step closer towards home, then everything has meaning, even the pain and harm we receive along the way. Further, it is known from this vantage that Evil is a temporary state that occurs when aspects of reality act discordantly and in attempted opposition to the journey back to source. It is more accurate to describe evil as momentary confusion than genuine ill intent.

Understood this way, as has been backed and verified by the most advanced travelers and enlightened masters ever known to humanity, the more relevant question becomes: how do I want to proceed in regard to and relationship with that which I could perceive as evil?

That is a question I find far more interesting.

I find it more interesting because it holds recognition for everything we have discussed thus far, it doesn’t deny that some things can be called evil, but it doesn’t buy into the story that we’re trapped in a cage with demons and under real threat of eternal harm.

It also places you in a position of deep sovereignty and yet will allow for you to be challenged at each level to the degree necessary so that you can evolve and transcend this incarnation.

That which feels deeply evil to you at an emotional level and brings you fear of permanent and lasting physical harm is an opportunity for you to evolve your Physical, Emotional, and Energetic Bodies.

That which you recognize as nothing but a counterpoint to your perspective yet no less on the Path becomes an obstacle to press against and overcome -directly or indirectly- becomes an opportunity to advance your True and Higher Selves towards their own evolution while inviting the Astral and Energetic bodies along for the ride.

Outside of these there is the very real karma, dharma, and purpose of your Being here that should drive and motivate you towards ever greater improvements. Your true passions in this life are echos of what your higher bodies yearn for and this should be the spark that lights you up. Evil matters not to the mission. Nothing stops the progress of the Soul.

And everything else?


Some distractions are useful, like this White Paper Scroll. Others are entirely inconsequential, like politics or instagram. But these distractions are what make incarnation interesting. They add texture to it and give us some surprises and adventures along the way. Yet make no mistake, they are a distraction.

What’s more, evil as seen from the vantage of the higher selves (Astral, True, High) is a distraction as well. Let that one sink in.

Currently, the planet itself is choosing a new track. Switching gears. It is becoming more malleable to those of us who have cultivated enough power to mold it. It is becoming more rewarding to those who hold acceptance for how things are and more punishing on those who turn away from the truth and embrace abstractions, distractions, and darkness. It is evolving itself like everything in the universe. We’re eyeballs deep in what the eastern systems call a Kali Yuga, otherwise known as the must clustery of all cluster fucks. But in Greek ages this period is called the Age of Heroes. Funny how that aligns so perfectly and says something about the perspectives of both cultures.

On the one hand we have the perspective of doom and gloom (but with a purpose!), yet on the other we have the sense of rising to the challenge (become a hero!). In reality it’s both, and the planet is playing along. I’ve been seeing evidence of this constantly for almost a year. I’ve also seen the results people get based on their choices and it confirms what I’ve shared. If you choose the doom and gloom, to believe in evil, and assume gross material action is the dominant mechanism instead of subtle energetic and aetheric state mastery, you will find yourself in the Kali Yuga. If on the other hand you treat everything as an opportunity and lean in with your whole heart, you’ll find yourself in the Age of Heros. Either way you go, we’ll all be here. But the experience is drastically different on each side of the fence.

Ultimately, to rise as a Whole Self on this evolutionary path home, we must embrace the good aspects of the plane directly above us, so we can shed the bad aspects of the current one. We must embrace the strengths and aspirations of the better and reject and release the limitations and doubts of the bad.

"Good" in this case is referring to greater, positive, principled, foundational, more complete, refined, higher energetic wholistic,

"Bad" is thus referring to lesser, negative, contrived, incomplete, unrefined, base gross materialistic.

To attempt growth without this is to advance parts of us incoherently. Done in excess, the Self becomes fragmented, discordant, and at odds with its own coherence. To assume one can bootstrap a weaker aspect later is to accept a significant loss of effectiveness. In this way we either elevate ourselves to the authoritative position of true sovereign choice, or we create the trap for ourselves.

What’s more, it’s a further mistake to approach this process in a literal and obvious way. Everything exists in levels.

Fundamental Truth begets

Foundational reality begets

Principled Wisdom begets

Cultural expression begets

Structural formations.

And so the absolute infinite expresses itself from the roots up to form what we see before us every day in this physical experience; a waking (and un-awake) world of structured reality. The mistake is to take the Structural at face value, as with the assumption that evil is absolutely real or not. It is even a mistake to assume that the Culture it stands upon is the origin. Culture in this case refers to the interpretation of a set of organized principles. World cultures are only one from of Culture. We also have family culture, personal culture, the culture of a domain or study, and on it goes.

The most effective position to actualize your Self and advance through the layers on your way home is at the level of Principle. This is the center position at which we are within arms reach of the Foundations and the Cultures. Additionally, incarnation places us in the context of the structural and therefore we don’t need to chase it because it is right here all the time. Meanwhile our existence as I AM connects us to the absolute fundamentals, to source itself, and to the Path home.

The former is inherent and needs very little attention, it is inevitable so long as we are alive and inconsequential once we end our (re)incarnation experience; the latter is without word or need for words, and requires no keeping.

To sit in the Foundations is to deny your incarnation.

To sit in the Structural is to obscure Truth from True Sight.

Thus, At the position of Principles we hold the true nature of things in the Now. We drink from the waters of foundational truth that is evident in every moment if we take the presence to look, and with it formulate Cultures around us that serve to continue our progress.

This is the purposeful spiral upward through the planes, beyond anything that might resemble a trap, and the road back Home.

- Kedrik Winter Wolf

Kedrik Winter Wolf